to smile

Smiling Is Great for Your Health! Still Not Convinced?

Laughter Stimulates the Mind

Smiling helps diminish the impact of negative emotions like sadness while promoting relaxation throughout the body. It can ease tension and stress, leaving muscles relaxed for as long as 45 minutes.

According to Silvia Cury Ismael, manager of HCor’s Psychology Service, “Laughter plays a crucial role in mental health by releasing serotonin and endorphins—chemicals that foster a sense of well-being, joy, and pleasure. This can significantly reduce the risk of psychosomatic conditions, including depression, anxiety, and stress,” she explains.

I, at 39 years old, smile in the middle of nature

Laughing is good for the heart

To make the simple fact of laughing possible, the human body can move up to 80 muscles. Laughter affects the brain, throat, heart, chest, legs, feet, as well as the face, of course! According to studies in the area, this way of expressing happiness has therapeutic effects, such as delaying the appearance of wrinkles during the aging process.

Among the many health benefits that laughter can bring are: reducing stress, promoting calorie burning, improving sleep quality, strengthening the abdomen, improving blood circulation, breathing and digestion, strengthening the immune system , stimulate creativity and encourage the creation of bonds with other people.

“O que a boca revela sobre a nossa saúde?

The mouth is more than just a part of the body. It is the gateway to the world and a window to our health. I remember the time when I was a teenager and was ashamed of my smile. The crooked and yellowed teeth made me insecure and prevented me from smiling at will. I avoided photos, covered my mouth when laughing and missed opportunities to meet new people because of my insecurity.

The parties, meetings with friends and even job interviews were times of great anxiety. I felt that my smile defined me as a shy and unattractive person. With each yellow and crooked smile in the mirror, my self-esteem was deteriorating.

Good oral hygiene helps prevent infections and inflammation that can spread to other parts of the body. I decided to change my habits and went to a dentist. With orthodontic treatment and teeth whitening, my smile was completely transformed. With every consultation, I saw a new version of myself appearing in the mirror.

Why is oral health so important?

Autoestima: Um sorriso bonito e saudável aumenta a autoestima e a confiança. Minha experiência me mostrou como um sorriso pode mudar a vida de uma pessoa. Aquele sorriso que antes me envergonhava, agora se tornou meu cartão de visitas. Sinto-me mais seguro, feliz e disposto a enfrentar os desafios da vida.
Qualidade de vida: Uma boa saúde bucal contribui para uma melhor qualidade de vida, permitindo que você se alimente bem, fale claramente e tenha relacionamentos sociais mais agradáveis. Hoje, adoro sorrir para as pessoas e conversar sem me preocupar com meu hálito ou com a aparência dos meus dentes.

Prevenção de doenças: Cuidar da boca ajuda a prevenir doenças como cáries, gengivite, periodontite e outras infecções.
Bem-estar geral: A saúde bucal está ligada ao bem-estar geral do corpo, influenciando o sono, a digestão e a imunidade. Um sorriso saudável é sinal de que você está cuidando

Foods that help with oral health and the importance of taking care of your mouth

Maintaining oral health goes beyond brushing and flossing. Food plays a crucial role in preventing oral diseases, such as cavities, gingivitis and bad breath. Some foods help strengthen teeth, stimulate saliva production and fight bacteria. Here are some examples:

Calcium-rich foods

Calcium-rich foods

Examples: milk, cheese, yogurt, almonds and green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and kale).
Benefits: Calcium is essential for strengthening teeth and preventing enamel wear.

Fibrous fruits and vegetables

Fibrous fruits and vegetables

Examples: apple, carrot, cucumber and celery.
Benefits: crunchy and fibrous foods stimulate saliva production and help mechanically clean teeth, removing residue and bacteria.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Foods rich in vitamin C

Examples: orange, strawberry, kiwi and broccoli.
Benefits: vitamin C strengthens the gums and helps prevent inflammation

Green tea and black tea

Green tea and black tea

Benefits: have compounds called catechins, which help fight bacteria in the mouth and reduce the risk of cavities and gingivitis

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Teeth Whitening Kit Gel Pen Strips

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